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2 700 CZK
Min can be thrown 2 700 CZK
time to end -06.06.2022, 19:39:00
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Method of transport ČP,PPL,DPD 150 CZK The price of transport outside the Czech Republic can be agreed with the seller Point of Sale:: ČR, Praha




ROZMĚRY : MALBA - 21 x 15 cm.


Pavel Kadeřábek

Born in 1944 in Prague. Paintings - landscapes & inspirations in the Highlands, abroad and so & eacute; in Smržovka, where several exhibitions took place d & iacute; la. He lived in Smržovka. Painted Smržovka, ambient & iacute; Svratky, but so & eacute; for example, Tosk, Tunisia, Spain and other scaron. Draw & iacute; and in shape and shape; his work since 1965, the most common of his paintings was the landscape, he was also inspired by life-style paintings, painted from the scaron; with bouquets and portraits of these materials and techniques & ndash; oil, graphics, dry & aacute; needle, watercolors, arab & aacute; gum, and it also took shape in shape experiments. Pavel Kadeř & aacute; bek followed up on sv & eacute; predecessor, founder of czech & eacute; landscaping & eacute; & scaron; Wheels where & iacute; pr & aacute; ve mal & iacute; they drew on the highlands of the Highlands like Franti & scaronek Kav & a, Anton & Slavic and a series of scaron; ch. In 1971, Pavel moved to Svratka, nov & eacute; middle & iacute; it brought him beside m & uacute; zy i pr & aacute; telstv & iacute; m & iacute; stn & iacute; ho landscapes & aacute; by Karel Blaž & iacute; č. Pavel Kadeř was so eacute; velk & yacute; a friend with Vladimir Kom aacute; with an apple-tree and a small Pokorn & a small and a highland by the German. Connected it firmly & eacute; pr & aacute; telstv & iacute; with actors Ladislav Frej and Věra Galat & iacute; admired his d & iacute; lo. Pavel Kadeř & aacute; bek exhibited many times abroad & iacute; and countless times. You'll find his paintings in private, in England, Germany, France, Holland, Canada, and the US. He created about 7500 works in his life. He died in 2009 in Svratka.

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